Data Compression


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Empirical tests of the efficiencies of the algorithms presented here are reported in [Bentley et al. 1986; Knuth 1985; Schwartz and Kallick 1964; Vitter 1987; Welch 1984]. These experiments compare the number of bits per word required and processing time is not reported. While theoretical considerations bound the performance of the various algorithms, experimental data is invaluable in providing additional insight. It is clear that the performance of each of these methods is dependent upon the characteristics of the source ensemble.

Schwartz and Kallick test an implementation of static Huffman coding in which bottom merging is used to determine codeword lengths and all codewords of a given length are sequential binary numbers [Schwartz and Kallick 1964]. The source alphabet in the experiment consists of 5,114 frequently-used English words, 27 geographical names, 10 numerals, 14 symbols, and 43 suffixes. The entropy of the document is 8.884 binary digits per message and the average codeword constructed has length 8.920. The same document is also coded one character at a time. In this case, the entropy of the source is 4.03 and the coded ensemble contains an average of 4.09 bits per letter. The redundancy is low in both cases. However, the relative redundancy (i.e., redundancy/entropy) is lower when the document is encoded by words.

Knuth describes algorithm FGK's performance on three types of data: a file containing the text of Grimm's first ten Fairy Tales, text of a technical book, and a file of graphical data [Knuth 1985]. For the first two files, the source messages are individual characters and the alphabet size is 128. The same data is coded using pairs of characters, so that the alphabet size is 1968. For the graphical data, the number of source messages is 343. In the case of the Fairy Tales the performance of FGK is very close to optimum, although performance degrades with increasing file size. Performance on the technical book is not as good, but is still respectable. The graphical data proves harder yet to compress, but again FGK performs reasonably well. In the latter two cases, the trend of performance degradation with file size continues. Defining source messages to consist of character pairs results in slightly better compression, but the difference would not appear to justify the increased memory requirement imposed by the larger alphabet.

 n      k    Static    Alg. V    Alg. FGK

100    96     83.0      71.1       82.4
500    96     83.0      80.8       83.5
961    97     83.5      82.3       83.7

Figure 6.1 -- Simulation results for a small text file [Vitter 1987];
              n = file size in 8-bit bytes, 
              k = number of distinct messages.
Vitter tests the performance of algorithms V and FGK against that of static Huffman coding. Each method is run on data which includes Pascal source code, the TeX source of the author's thesis, and electronic mail files [Vitter 1987]. Figure 6.1 summarizes the results of the experiment for a small file of text. The performance of each algorithm is measured by the number of bits in the coded ensemble and overhead costs are not included. Compression achieved by each algorithm is represented by the size of the file it creates, given as a percentage of the original file size. Figure 6.2 presents data for Pascal source code. For the TeX source, the alphabet consists of 128 individual characters; for the other two file types, no more than 97 characters appear. For each experiment, when the overhead costs are taken into account, algorithm V outperforms static Huffman coding as long as the size of the message ensemble (number of characters) is no more than 10^4. Algorithm FGK displays slightly higher costs, but never more than 100.4% of the static algorithm.
   n     k    Static    Alg. V    Alg. FGK

  100   32     57.4      56.2       58.9
  500   49     61.5      62.2       63.0
 1000   57     61.3      61.8       62.4
10000   73     59.8      59.9       60.0
12067   78     59.6      59.8       59.9

Figure 6.2 -- Simulation results for Pascal source code [Vitter 1987];
              n = file size in bytes,
              k = number of distinct messages.
Witten et al. compare adaptive arithmetic coding with adaptive Huffman coding [Witten et al. 1987]. The version of arithmetic coding tested employs single-character adaptive frequencies and is a mildly optimized C implementation. Witten et al. compare the results provided by this version of arithmetic coding with the results achieved by the UNIX compact program (compact is based on algorithm FGK). On three large files which typify data compression applications, compression achieved by arithmetic coding is better than that provided by compact, but only slightly better (average file size is 98% of the compacted size). A file over a three-character alphabet, with very skewed symbol probabilities, is encoded by arithmetic coding in less than one bit per character; the resulting file size is 74% of the size of the file generated by compact. Witten et al. also report encoding and decoding times. The encoding time of arithmetic coding is generally half of the time required by the adaptive Huffman coding method. Decode time averages 65% of the time required by compact. Only in the case of the skewed file are the time statistics quite different. Arithmetic coding again achieves faster encoding, 67% of the time required by compact. However, compact decodes more quickly, using only 78% of the time of the arithmetic method.

Bentley et al. use C and Pascal source files, TROFF source files, and a terminal session transcript of several hours for experiments which compare the performance of algorithm BSTW to static Huffman coding. Here the defined words consist of two disjoint classes, sequences of alphanumeric characters and sequences of nonalphanumeric characters. The performance of algorithm BSTW is very close to that of static Huffman coding in all cases. The experiments reported by Bentley et al. are of particular interest in that they incorporate another dimension, the possibility that in the move-to-front scheme one might want to limit the size of the data structure containing the codes to include only the m most recent words, for some m [Bentley et al. 1986]. The tests consider cache sizes of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256. Although performance tends to increase with cache size, the increase is erratic, with some documents exhibiting nonmonotonicity (performance which increases with cache size to a point and then decreases when cache size is further increased).

Welch reports simulation results for Lempel-Ziv codes in terms of compression ratios [Welch 1984]. His definition of compression ratio is the one given in Section 1.3, C = (average message length)/(average codeword length). The ratios reported are: 1.8 for English text, 2 to 6 for Cobol data files, 1.0 for floating point arrays, 2.1 for formatted scientific data, 2.6 for system log data, 2.3 for source code, and 1.5 for object code. The tests involving English text files showed that long individual documents did not compress better than groups of short documents. This observation is somewhat surprising, in that it seems to refute the intuition that redundancy is due at least in part to correlation in content. For purposes of comparison, Welch cites results of Pechura and Rubin. Pechura achieved a 1.5 compression ratio using static Huffman coding on files of English text [Pechura 1982]. Rubin reports a 2.4 ratio for English text when employing a complex technique for choosing the source messages to which Huffman coding is applied [Rubin 1976]. These results provide only a very weak basis for comparison, since the characteristics of the files used by the three authors are unknown. It is very likely that a single algorithm may produce compression ratios ranging from 1.5 to 2.4, depending upon the source to which it is applied.


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The discrete noiseless channel is, unfortunately, not a very realistic model of a communication system. Actual data transmission systems are prone to two types of error: phase error, in which a code symbol is lost or gained; and amplitude error, in which a code symbol is corrupted [Neumann 1962]. The degree to which channel errors degrade transmission is an important parameter in the choice of a data compression method. The susceptibility to error of a coding algorithm depends heavily on whether the method is static or adaptive.

7.1 Static Codes

It is generally known that Huffman codes tend to be self-correcting [Standish 1980]. That is, a transmission error tends not to propagate too far. The codeword in which the error occurs is incorrectly received and it is likely that several subsequent codewords are misinterpreted but, before too long, the receiver is back in synchronization with the sender. In a static code, synchronization means simply that both sender and receiver identify the beginnings of the codewords in the same way. In Figure 7.1, an example is used to illustrate the ability of a Huffman code to recover from phase errors. The message ensemble "BCDAEB" is encoded using the Huffman code of Figure 3.4 where the source letters a(1) ... a(5) represent A ... E respectively, yielding the coded ensemble "0110100011000011". Figure 7.1 demonstrates the impact of loss of the first bit, the second bit, or the fourth bit. The dots show the way in which each line is parsed into codewords. The loss of the first bit results in re-synchronization after the third bit so that only the first source message (B) is lost (replaced by AA). When the second bit is lost, the first eight bits of the coded ensemble are misinterpreted and synchronization is regained by bit 9. Dropping the fourth bit causes the same degree of disturbance as dropping the second.   coded ensemble BCDAEB   bit 1 is lost, interpreted as AACDAEB   bit 2 is lost, interpreted as CAEAAEB   bit 4 is lost, interpreted as BAEAAEB

Figure 7.1 -- Recovery from phase errors
0 1 1.0 1 0.00   coded ensemble (BCDAEB) 1 0.00   bit 1 is inverted, interpreted as DCDAEB
0 0 1.0 1 0.00   bit 2 is inverted, interpreted as AAACDAEB
0 1   bit 4 is inverted, interpreted as BAAEAAEB

Figure 7.2 -- Recovery from amplitude errors
The effect of amplitude errors is demonstrated in Figure 7.2. The format of the illustration is the same as that in Figure 7.1. This time bits 1, 2, and 4 are inverted rather than lost. Again synchronization is regained almost immediately. When bit 1 or bit 2 is changed, only the first three bits (the first character of the ensemble) are disturbed. Inversion of bit four causes loss of synchronization through the ninth bit. A very simple explanation of the self-synchronization present in these example can be given. Since many of the codewords end in the same sequence of digits, the decoder is likely to reach a leaf of the Huffman code tree at one of the codeword boundaries of the original coded ensemble. When this happens, the decoder is back in synchronization with the encoder. So that self-synchronization may be discussed more carefully, the following definitions are presented. (It should be noted that these definitions hold for arbitrary prefix codes, so that the discussion includes all of the codes described in Section 3.) If s is a suffix of some codeword and there exist sequences of codewords Gamma and Delta such that s Gamma = Delta, then Gamma is said to be a synchronizing sequence for s. For example, in the Huffman code used above, 1 is a synchronizing sequence for the suffix 01 while both 000001 and 011 are synchronizing sequences for the suffix 10. If every suffix (of every codeword) has a synchronizing sequence, then the code is completely self-synchronizing. If some or none of the proper suffixes have synchronizing sequences, then the code is, respectively, partially- or never-self-synchronizing. Finally, if there exists a sequence Gamma which is a synchronizing sequence for every suffix, Gamma is defined to be a universal synchronizing sequence. The code used in the examples above is completely self-synchronizing, and has universal synchronizing sequence 00000011000. Gilbert and Moore prove that the existence of a universal synchronizing sequence is a necessary as well as a sufficient condition for a code to be completely self-synchronizing [Gilbert and Moore 1959]. They also state that any prefix code which is completely self-synchronizing will synchronize itself with probability 1 if the source ensemble consists of successive messages independently chosen with any given set of probabilities. This is true since the probability of occurrence of the universal synchronizing sequence at any given time is positive.

It is important to realize that the fact that a completely self-synchronizing code will re-synchronize with probability 1 does not guarantee recovery from error with bounded delay. In fact, for every completely self-synchronizing prefix code with more than two codewords, there are errors within one codeword which cause unbounded error propagation [Neumann 1962]. In addition, prefix codes are not always completely self-synchronizing. Bobrow and Hakimi state a necessary condition for a prefix code with codeword lengths l(1) ... l(r) to be completely self-synchronizing: the greatest common divisor of the l(i) must be equal to one [Bobrow and Hakimi 1969]. The Huffman code { 00, 01, 10, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111 } is not completely self-synchronizing, but is partially self-synchronizing since suffixes 00, 01 and 10 are synchronized by any codeword. The Huffman code { 000, 0010, 0011, 01, 100, 1010, 1011, 100, 111 } is never-self-synchronizing. Examples of never-self-synchronizing Huffman codes are difficult to construct, and the example above is the only one with fewer than 16 source messages. Stiffler proves that a code is never-self-synchronizing if and only if none of the proper suffixes of the codewords are themselves codewords [Stiffler 1971].

The conclusions which may be drawn from the above discussion are: while it is common for Huffman codes to self-synchronize, this is not guaranteed; and when self-synchronization is assured, there is no bound on the propagation of the error. An additional difficulty is that self-synchronization provides no indication that an error has occurred.

The problem of error detection and correction in connection with Huffman codes has not received a great deal of attention. Several ideas on the subject are reported here. Rudner states that synchronizing sequences should be as short as possible to minimize re-synchronization delay. In addition, if a synchronizing sequence is used as the codeword for a high probability message, then re-synchronization will be more frequent. A method for constructing a minimum-redundancy code having the shortest possible synchronizing sequence is described by Rudner [Rudner 1971]. Neumann suggests purposely adding some redundancy to Huffman codes in order to permit detection of certain types of errors [Neumann 1962]. Clearly this has to be done carefully, so as not to negate the redundancy reduction provided by Huffman coding. McIntyre and Pechura cite data integrity as an advantage of the codebook approach discussed in Section 3.2 [McIntyre and Pechura 1985]. When the code is stored separately from the coded data, the code may be backed up to protect it from perturbation. However, when the code is stored or transmitted with the data, it is susceptible to errors. An error in the code representation constitutes a drastic loss and therefore extreme measures for protecting this part of the transmission are justified.

The Elias codes of Section 3.3 are not at all robust. Each of the codes gamma and delta can be thought of as generating codewords which consist of a number of substrings such that each substring encodes the length of the subsequent substring. For code gamma we may think of each codeword gamma(x) as the concatenation of z, a string of n zeros, and b, a string of length n+1 (n = floor[ lg x ] ). If one of the zeros in substring z is lost, synchronization will be lost as the last symbol of b will be pushed into the next codeword.

Since the 1 at the front of substring b delimits the end of z, if a zero in z is changed to a 1, synchronization will be lost as symbols from b are pushed into the following codeword. Similarly, if ones at the front of b are inverted to zeros, synchronization will be lost as the codeword gamma(x) consumes symbols from the following codeword. Once synchronization is lost, it cannot normally be recovered.

In Figure 7.3, codewords gamma(6), gamma(4), gamma(8) are used to illustrate the above ideas. In each case, synchronization is lost and never recovered.

001 1 0.00 1 00.0 00100 0.   coded integers 6, 4, 8
0 1 1.0 00 1 00 0.00100.0    bit 2 is lost, interpreted as 3, 8, 2, etc.
011.1.0 00 1 00 0.00100.0    bit 2 is inverted, interpreted as 3, 1, 8, 4, etc.
000 1 0 00.1.00 0 00100 0    bit 3 is inverted, interpreted as 8, 1, etc.

Figure 7.3 -- Effects of errors in Elias Codes.
The Elias code delta may be thought of as a three-part ramp where delta(x) = zmb with z a string of n zeros, m a string of length n+1 with binary value v, and b a string of length v-1. For example, in delta(16)=00.101.0000, n=2, v=5, and the final substring is the binary value of 16 with the leading 1 removed so that it has length v-1=4. Again the fact that each substring determines the length of the subsequent substring means that an error in one of the first two substrings is disastrous, changing the way in which the rest of the codeword is to be interpreted. And, like code gamma, code delta has no properties which aid in regaining synchronization once it has been lost.

The Fibonacci codes of Section 3.3, on the other hand, are quite robust. This robustness is due to the fact that every codeword ends in the substring 11 and that substring can appear nowhere else in a codeword. If an error occurs anywhere other than in the 11 substring, the error is contained within that one codeword. It is possible that one codeword will become two (see the sixth line of Figure 7.4), but no other codewords will be disturbed. If the last symbol of a codeword is lost or changed, the current codeword will be fused with its successor, so that two codewords are lost. When the penultimate bit is disturbed, up to three codewords can be lost. For example, the coded message 011.11.011 becomes 0011.1011 if bit 2 is inverted. The maximum disturbance resulting from either an amplitude error or a phase error is the disturbance of three codewords.

In Figure 7.4, some illustrations based on the Fibonacci coding of ensemble EXAMPLE as shown in Figure 3.9 are given. When bit 3 (which is not part of a 11 substring) is lost or changed, only a single codeword is degraded. When bit 6 (the final bit of the first codeword) is lost or changed, the first two codewords are incorrectly decoded. When bit 20 is changed, the first b is incorrectly decoded as fg.

000011.000011.00011.010 11.01011.   coded ensemble "aa bb".
00 011.000011.00011.010 11.01011.   bit 3 is lost, interpreted as " a bb".
001011.000011.00011.010 11.01011.   bit 3 is inverted, interpreted as "?a bb".
00001  000011.00011.010 11.01011.   bit 6 is lost, interpreted as "? bb".
000010 000011.00011.010 11.01011.   bit 6 is inverted, interpreted as "? bb".
000011.000011.00011.011.11.01011.   bit 20 is inverted, interpreted as "aa fgb".

Figure 7.4 -- Effects of errors in Fibonacci Codes.

7.2 Adaptive Codes

Adaptive codes are far more adversely affected by transmission errors than are static codes. For example, in the case of a adaptive Huffman code, even though the receiver may re-synchronize with the sender in terms of correctly locating the beginning of a codeword, the information lost represents more than a few bits or a few characters of the source ensemble. The fact that sender and receiver are dynamically redefining the code indicates that by the time synchronization is regained, they may have radically different representations of the code. Synchronization as defined in Section 7.1 refers to synchronization of the bit stream, which is not sufficient for adaptive methods. What is needed here is code synchronization, that is, synchronization of both the bit stream and the dynamic data structure representing the current code mapping.

There is no evidence that adaptive methods are self-synchronizing. Bentley et al. note that, in algorithm BSTW, loss of synchronization can be catastrophic, whereas this is not true with static Huffman coding [Bentley et al. 1986]. Ziv and Lempel recognize that the major drawback of their algorithm is its susceptibility to error propagation [Ziv and Lempel 1977]. Welch also considers the problem of error tolerance of Lempel-Ziv codes and suggests that the entire ensemble be embedded in an error-detecting code [Welch 1984]. Neither static nor adaptive arithmetic coding has the ability to tolerate errors.


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Data compression is still very much an active research area. This section suggests possibilities for further study.

The discussion of Section 7 illustrates the susceptibility to error of the codes presented in this survey. Strategies for increasing the reliability of these codes while incurring only a moderate loss of efficiency would be of great value. This area appears to be largely unexplored. Possible approaches include embedding the entire ensemble in an error-correcting code or reserving one or more codewords to act as error flags. For adaptive methods it may be necessary for receiver and sender to verify the current code mapping periodically.

For adaptive Huffman coding, Gallager suggests an "aging" scheme, whereby recent occurrences of a character contribute more to its frequency count than do earlier occurrences [Gallager 1978]. This strategy introduces the notion of locality into the adaptive Huffman scheme. Cormack and Horspool describe an algorithm for approximating exponential aging [Cormack and Horspool 1984]. However, the effectiveness of this algorithm has not been established.

Both Knuth and Bentley et al. suggest the possibility of using the "cache" concept to exploit locality and minimize the effect of anomalous source messages. Preliminary empirical results indicate that this may be helpful [Knuth 1985; Bentley et al. 1986]. A problem related to the use of a cache is overhead time required for deletion. Strategies for reducing the cost of a deletion could be considered. Another possible extension to algorithm BSTW is to investigate other locality heuristics. Bentley et al. prove that intermittent-move-to-front (move-to-front after every k occurrences) is as effective as move-to-front [Bentley et al. 1986]. It should be noted that there are many other self-organizing methods yet to be considered. Horspool and Cormack describe experimental results which imply that the transpose heuristic performs as well as move-to-front, and suggest that it is also easier to implement [Horspool and Cormack 1987].

Several aspects of free-parse methods merit further attention. Lempel-Ziv codes appear to be promising, although the absence of a worst-case bound on the redundancy of an individual finite source ensemble is a drawback. The variable-block type Lempel-Ziv codes have been implemented with some success [ARC 1986] and the construction of a variable-variable Lempel-Ziv code has been sketched [Ziv and Lempel 1978]. The efficiency of the variable-variable model should be investigated. In addition, an implementation of Lempel-Ziv coding which combines the time efficiency of Rodeh et al. method with more efficient use of space is worthy of consideration.

Another important research topic is the development of theoretical models for data compression which address the problem of local redundancy. Models based on Markov chains may be exploited to take advantage of interaction between groups of symbols. Entropy tends to be overestimated when symbol interaction is not considered. Models which exploit relationships between source messages may achieve better compression than predicted by an entropy calculation based only upon symbol probabilities. The use of Markov modeling is considered by Llewellyn and by Langdon and Rissanen [Llewellyn 1987; Langdon and Rissanen 1983].


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Data compression is a topic of much importance and many applications. Methods of data compression have been studied for almost four decades. This paper has provided an overview of data compression methods of general utility. The algorithms have been evaluated in terms of the amount of compression they provide, algorithm efficiency, and susceptibility to error. While algorithm efficiency and susceptibility to error are relatively independent of the characteristics of the source ensemble, the amount of compression achieved depends upon the characteristics of the source to a great extent.

Semantic dependent data compression techniques, as discussed in Section 2, are special-purpose methods designed to exploit local redundancy or context information. A semantic dependent scheme can usually be viewed as a special case of one or more general-purpose algorithms. It should also be noted that algorithm BSTW is a general-purpose technique which exploits locality of reference, a type of local redundancy.

Susceptibility to error is the main drawback of each of the algorithms presented here. Although channel errors are more devastating to adaptive algorithms than to static ones, it is possible for an error to propagate without limit even in the static case. Methods of limiting the effect of an error on the effectiveness of a data compression algorithm should be investigated.

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